
25 March 2007

CSUN 2007/ Mindmouse

"The Cyberlink System can perhaps be thought of as the next step in the evolution of the human-computer input interface. The Cyberlink System is controlled by the voltages found on the surface of the forehead. When the muscles of the body contract a corresponding voltage can be detected on the surface of the skin. In a similar fashion the actions of the brain result in the production of voltages that migrate to the surface of the skin. These voltages, which we refer to as bio-potentials, are the signals that drive the Cyberlink system. Since the voltages at the forehead are the result of both brain and body activity the Cyberlink system represents a brain-body actuated control technology. The Cyberlink system combines eye-movement, facial muscle, and brain wave bio-potentials detected at the user's forehead to generate computer inputs that can be used for a variety of tasks and recreations."

All this to say that "the next step" in human-computer interface might be here. I am still dazzled by Erica, the best eye-gaze system on the market, with almost instant set up and rapid typing and computer control possible on the TabletPC platform. Even ADHD me could make that work well.

I'm less sure of the Cyberlink Mindmouse, it seems highly complex, tough to learn (perhaps), and maybe a year or two "away," but it is coming. The Mindmouse is run through matching brainwave patterns to intentions and actions, allowing a computer to respond, essentially, to thoughts. It does work, and that alone is amazing. It is commercially available, also incredible, and it surely can create access for people with no other choices.

The paper by Dr. Mary Christen and Dr. Andrew Junker is worth reading, and Mindmouse is worth watching.

- Ira Socol

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