
27 March 2007

CAL '07/ Disruption

CAL 2007 is underway at Trinity College in Dublin. The subtitle for this year's conference is "Development, Disruption, and Debate" and after one and a third days, it has been fascinating. More soon, but a focus on creativity, "Learner Generated Contexts," and disrupting the traditional norms of teaching and educational structures, make this a great place to consider technology not as a curricular tool, but as a change agent that alters our ideas of what education can be.

Some sessions I've attended...

Creativity is a risky business: How might ICT support a pedagogy for improvisation?
A. Loveless*, J. Burton, K. Turvey; University of Brighton, UK

Disruption? What disruption? None are so blind as those who do not envisage a different scenario
K. Johnston*, A. FitzGibbon, E. Oldham; University of Dublin, Ireland

Why hasn’t technology disrupted academics’ teaching practices? Understanding resistance to change through the lens of activity theory
F. Blin*, M. Munro; Dublin City University, Ireland

Innovation on the margins: The importance of out-of-school alternative experiences with ICTs
J. M. Correa Gorospe¹, A. Martínez Arbelaiz*¹²; ¹Universidad delPaís Vasco, Spain, ²University Studies Abroad Consortium, USA

Learner generated contexts (2) changing the learning process and the learning context
R. Luckin, N. Ecclesfield, F. Garnett, J. Cook; Becta, UK, University of Sussex, UK, London Knowledge Lab, UK, 4London Met University, UK

How do we know if students are learning in Moodle Forums?
C. McAvinia, J. Keating; National University of Ireland, Ireland

Teachers and technology integration – How to support meaningful change?
P. Taalas; University of Jyväskylä, Finland

- Ira Socol from Dublin

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I was wonderingabout the picture, why is the boy using a tablet-pc? What does it have to do with your story?
